A writer -- who is always chasing a cat and searching for home.

Brainwashing in Japanese Offices --The fine line between career-driven and workaholic

Have you seen the Japanese version of The Office on SNL? In this clip, characters from the American version of The Office parody Japanese office customs. Michael Scott says a line in Japanese, “日本で一番おもしろいボスです (I’m the funniest boss in Japan).” When the boss walks into the office, all of the employees stand up from their chairs and apologize—“sumimasen”

Rediscovering Tokyo and Reconnecting with Yoga

I left Japan when I turned eighteen, to pursue studies in the United States. I was excited to be free from my parents and strict school rules. I had no attachment to my home country and couldn’t wait to get out. After earning my degree, I landed a job in New York. Most of my foreign friends went back to their countries one by one, but I never dreamed of going back. Not that I hated my country, but the thought never occurred to me.


3回目は1カ月バケーションを利用して日本に滞在するYounes Al-Amayra(ユネス)、ドイツのベルリン出身の31歳。綺麗な英語を話すので、ドイツ出身と聞いてびっくり。スタッフもゲストも関係なく誰とでも仲良くなってしまう彼は、実はYoutuberとして映像を作っているという。

クロアチアの旅行者たちが見た日本 —— 一口サイズの優しさが溢れる国

第1回はクロアチアから日本にやってきたクロアチア人の男性2人、Mladen(マラデン)とIvan(イヴァン)。2人はそれぞれ全く違った仕事をしているが、サーカスマネージメント会社Novog Cirkusaの仕事を通して出会った。それ以来13年以上も大親友だ。とってもバランスが良いというのが2人の第一印象。カルピスはこの世で一番美味しい飲み物だと断言するお茶目なマラデンと、そんな彼の隣で優しく笑うイヴァン。そんな2人に今回の旅の目的、日本という国が彼らの行動に与える影響などについて聞いた。

Moving from Regret Towards Freedom

I didn’t have any particularly deep reasons for wanting to start practicing yoga. I just wanted to be able to do all those cool-looking poses. There was a free yoga class every week at my college. I somehow knew I would love it and my first class confirmed that reckless assumption. When I first started, I couldn’t even touch my toes with my fingers, but enjoyed it anyway. I continued practicing after college and met amazing teachers who taught me many lessons as I progressed.

